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Greeting from the President

Dear colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you, on behalf of the Organising Committee and the Board HASIN, to the Scientific Conference “Challenges and Prospects in Nephrology 2025”, the established, central event of the Hellenic Association of Independent Nephrologists, the official professional body of the Nephrologists working in the private sector in Greece. The conference is being held at the premises of the Brown Acropol Hotel, a modern venue in the historic center of Athens.

As always, the main focus in HASIN's conferences is to provide up to date information on new therapies or therapies established in previous healthcare countries that have not yet been implemented in our country, with a perspective for future application in the private sector. In this context, the Scientific Committee has drawn up a high-standard Program, with the participation of distinguished conferences of various specialties from across Greece and abroad. A central topic of this year's conference is the quality of services and patient safety, a topic  as relevant as ever, which constitutes a timeless central axis of HASIN's aims and actions. The corresponding session will feature distinguished speakers - representatives of relevant institutions such as patients associations, the Hellenic Health Quality Assurance Organization, as well as the British Renal Association and the British Care Quality Commision (CQC). In addition to the established sessions of hands-on training in US guided fistula needling, the e-Poster, as well as the established Workshop on home dialysis, the meeting this year feature, for the first time ever in Greece, the exhibition and demonstration of home dialysis machines. As usual, the high standard of the meeting will be certified both by the auspices of the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) and by the accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACMEE) and the Panhellenic Medical Association.

Importantly, as with any HASIN meeting, our members from all over the country will have the opportunity to meet in person, discuss the future of private Nephrology and contribute to the continuous improvement in the function of HASIN in the best possible way. At the General Assembly, you will have the opportunity to participate in a discussion on the future of work and the joint actions of HASIN members, as well as on the formation of a research platform that will form the basis of scientific cooperation among members. During this year's General Assembly, the vote for the election of the new HASIN Board will take place. As per the decision of the outgoing Board, the vote will be exclusively in person. Finally, at the opening ceremony of the conference, HASIN will have the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues who have made an outstanding career in Nephrology and to thank them for their contribution to Medical science, to patients and to their educators.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the distinguished colleagues participating in the conference, either as delegates, or as members of the Organising and Scientific Committees, speakers, commentators or conference coordinators, for their contribution to achieving the highest standard of the event. I would like to express my warm thanks to the sponsors who, with their kind support, are inaugurating a cooperative relationship with HASIN, as well as to the organizing bureau Eventure for our excellent cooperation.

In closing, I wish you an enjoyable, memorable, and productive time at this year's meeting.

Dr Dimitrios Kirmizis

MRCP, PG Cert Diabetes, MSc Transplant, PhD

Consultant Nephrologist 

East Suffolk & North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Post CCT Associate Lecturer, ARU

United Kingdom 

President of the Organising Committee

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