Sunday 7th December

Κ.2. Quality of Care and patient safety in Dialysis Units
1. The role of standards and patient safety indicators
2. The UKKA KQI Program
3. The CQC standards and policies for Dialysis Units
4. The Greek national policy
5. The role of the Renal registries
6. Empowering patients to get their voice heard
7. Policies to tackle inequalities in healthcare and
strengthen patient engagement
10:30 - 12:00

Κ.3. Healthcare systems & policies
1. Achieving equity in dialysis care and outcomes:
The role of policies
2. System-Level Strategies to Improve Home Dialysis
Κ.4. Quality of life
1. Patient reported experience and outcome measures
2. Burden of treatment, social engagement and employment across different modalities
Κ.5. Clinical outcomes
1. Cardiovascular outcomes across different modalities
2. Τhe role of networks and the interdisciplinary team
12:00 - 14:30

Κ.6. Nursing session
1. Dry weight: assesment methods
2. Haemodialysis protocols
3. EDTNA accreditation of nursing training
4. Shared care
14:30 - 16:00

Κ.8. Cardiovascular morbidity in CKD
1. Treatment on hyperlipidaemia: what's new?
2. Challenges in the treatment of heart failure
Κ.9. Cardio-renal-metabolic syndrome
1. SGLT2 inhibitors: what's new?
2. The place of GLP-1 agonists in clinical practice
3. The MRAs in the treatment of CKD and heart failure
16:00 - 17:30

12:00 - 14:30

Κ.10. Clinical dilemmas
1. HIF inhibitors: what's their place in clinical practice?
2. What's new in the treatment of hyperphosphataemia?
3. What's new in the treatment of uraemic pruritus?
4. How to treat the patient with hyperparathyroidism?
5. Dialysate sodium: which to chose?
6. Dialysate bicarbonate: which to chose?
16:00 - 17:30

Κ.11. Hypertension
1. Guidelines on hypertension in CKD patients
2. Clinical trial update on hypertension
Κ.12. Clinical Nephrology
1. What's new in the treatment of hereditary nephropathies?
2. Novel & emerging treatments in IgA nephropathy
3. How to treat the patient with IgA nephropathy?
17:30 - 19:00